Bauzentrum Poing - Prefab Village
The first official stop for the European leg of my Fellowship was Bauzentrum Poing. Located approx. 30 mins out of Munich, this village is home to nearly 60 display homes which are either prefab, modular, energy efficient or all of the above.
It's fair to say that at times what I saw was a little hit and miss, but HufHaus, Baufritz, Gruber and in particular Flock Haus all feaured very interesting systems, generally utilising laminated timber structural elements along with various infill panel types.
The woman who showed me through the Flock Haus display home (in RM Williams boots no less) informed me that the build cost is around $2400 Euro/m2 or $3700 Aus/m2. For context, in my experience in Australia, Architecturally design buildings start at over $2000m2 and prefab or modular around $2500 - 2800m2.
The Flock Haus display home can be erected in around a week though.
Tomorrow its on to Erkheim and the Baufritz manufacturing facility.